Gaming Counter with the Arms of Lethieullier


Gaming Counter with the Arms of Lethieullier


This early eighteenth-century gaming counter bears the arms of the Lethieullier family. It comes from a set that was likely made for a wife or sister of either John Lethieullier (1659-1737) or his cousin Christopher Lethieullier (1676-1736). We know it belonged to a woman because of the diamond shape rather than a shield on the counter’s front If the eventual owner of this set was Christopher Lethieullier’s wife or daughter it is likely that it was commissioned for him by “M” (Matthew) Lethieullier, a supercargo in Canton, in 1732.[i] The Lethieullier family ordered at least four porcelain sets between 1725 and 1732 and eight services overall. Thus it is unclear exactly when exactly this counter was ordered. The Lethieullier family lived in Essex in London as a prominent family. John Lethieullier of Aldersbrook (1633-1718) and Christopher Lethieullier (1639-1690), the fathers off the above-mentioned John and Christopher, both served the British government as Sheriff and Alderman of London during their lives.[ii] These two men were the sons of Jan le Thieullier (1591-1679), a French Huguenot who migrated to England in 1605.[iii]

The Lethieullier family quickly became a prominent family in England both economically and politically. The elder John made his career as a merchant exporting English textiles, but expanded his trading to a variety of commodities and countries. His son followed in his footsteps as a successful merchant and politician. John’s son, Smart Lethieullier (1701-1760), served as High Sheriff of Essex and was known as a great antiquarian. The second generation Christopher Lethieullier served as a director of a London bank.


[i] David Sanctuary Howard, Chinese Armorial Porcelain. 1974, p.239

[ii] David Sanctuary Howard, Chinese Armorial Porcelain. 1974, p. 174

[iii] Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. 2008


Museum Purchase with Funds provided by H.F. Lenfest, W. Groke Mickey, and the Frances and Beverly M. DuBose Foundation








Guangzhou (Canton), China

Physical Dimensions

1.25 in




“Gaming Counter with the Arms of Lethieullier,” Chinese Armorial Gaming Counters, accessed July 8, 2024,